Count On Coinstar

Consumers trust Coinstar® machines to provide a convenient and reliable coin-counting solution

Convenient and Reliable

Consumers around the world trust Coinstar® machines to provide a convenient and reliable coin-counting solution. We’ve built our reputation on 25 years of customer service and more than one billion successful transactions since the first machine was installed in 1992.

Consumers can trust Coinstar to count their loose change quickly and consistently, and we strive to make sure customers have a great coin-counting experience. That responsibility drives everything we do, and Coinstar’s dedicated customer service team is available seven days a week to answer questions and resolve concerns.

By focusing on convenience and dependability, Coinstar has become a leader in self-service coin-counting.

Convenient and Reliable

Coinstar Kiosk


Our continued success is the result of advanced innovative technology—Coinstar holds more than 110 patents—and a proven platform that undergoes rigorous testing to ensure machines are highly accurate and reliable.

Thanks to real-time monitoring and trained technicians that regularly service the machines, Coinstar machines feature exceptional uptime performance.

Turnkey Solution for Retailers

Research shows consumers make special trips to visit retailers with a self-service coin-counting solution,* and 79% of consumers who cash in a Coinstar voucher spend more than half the cash they received on in-store purchases.**

Coinstar helps retailers generate revenue and increase profits by providing a hassle-free way to offer consumers a coin-counting service—one they recognise and trust—right where they already shop.

Because every machine in every country is owned, maintained and serviced by Coinstar, retailers don’t need to waste energy—or money—dealing with machines. Better yet, no investment is required to get started. There are no capital costs, no operating costs, and no maintenance fees.

Keine Investitionskosten

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* U.S. Study: Seurat Group, 2014
** U.S. Study: Field Agent Research, Outerwall, 2014